Now that Nintendo has firmly established the Switch as their dominant console, it only makes sense that it is time to say goodbye to the old. Following the permanent closure of the Wii Shop Channel, Nintendo has also scrubbed the main pages for their previous platforms.

Call it a bit of spring cleaning, with Nintendo cleaning out the game info pages for Wii, WiiWare, DS, and DSiWare games from their website. Upon visiting Nintendo’s game store section on their website, only Switch and 3DS family games are present.

More significant, due to the console being more recent, the Wii U info page has been removed from the website—attempting to visit the page will result in a 404 error. Given how Nintendo has stopped supporting the console, it shouldn’t come as a surprise.

Still, it is a disappointing reality for Nintendo devotees. While Nintendo, which has a new CEO at Nintendo of America in Doug Bowser, would likely want to put previous consoles (the Wii U especially), they are still near and dear to the hearts of many of their longtime fans.

The closure of the Wii Shop Channel and the end of WiiWare and DSiWare is also alarming for its own reason—for most of these games, there are no other way to access them now. There is a major concern about a lack of any preservation efforts for these games, and fans fear that they will be lost to time—the removal of these website pages is another signal of this to many fans.

Nintendo’s competitors are making better strides towards access to older games—Xbox One not only changed course in allowing backwards compatibility with Xbox 360, but even with the original Xbox. On the Sony side of things, the upcoming “PS5” will be backwards compatible with games from previous consoles as well.

While Nintendo has their retro micro consoles, and with NES games available through the Nintendo Switch Online service, it is clear that the company still has a reverence for their retro content. For everything else in between, however, Nintendo fans appear to be out of luck for now.