Since their release in the holiday season of 2014, Nintendo's line of amiibo figurines quickly became a hot commodity not only for representing the full family of Nintendo's beloved mascots and icons, but also for their use and connectivity across Nintendo's line of games and franchises.

In particular, Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto revealed in an interview with IGN that the company did have a unique amiibo idea for the upcoming Wii U-exclusive Star Fox Zero, to produce a figurine of the iconic Arwing starfighter from the game that could also transform between the ship's land and air forms.

Ultimately, however, Miyamoto confirmed to IGN that while Nintendo had several prototypes for the amiibo figurine in the works, he stated that "we weren’t able to turn that into a product that could meet safety guidelines for children."

Miyamoto expressed that “we had to give up on that idea, but maybe we’ll do something with it in the future. Who knows.": given it's a pretty darn cool concept, hopefully we can see Nintendo apply some cool, unique ideas to their amiibo figurines in the future. Despite not having an Arwing figurine, Star Fox Zero will still support connectivity with the previously-released figures for Fox and Falco.

Star Fox Zero releases for Wii U on April 21st, 2016 in Japan, followed by a worldwide release on April 22nd, 2016.