Gamers are often thought of as self centered people that only crave to prove that they are the best at their craft, but htis article by Owen Good of Kotaku should change those perceptions. In America millions of people are diagnosed with some form of cancer daily and the video game community has taken it upon themselves to help as much as they can with chairty named Child's Play. Owen takes a look at The Children's Hospital at Legacy Emanuel in Portland, Oregon and really looks at what this charity has done and how it effects the kids being treated.

They pick up Xbox controllers.

Lego Star Wars fills the room with its cartoon explosions, jingling studs, babbling minifigs. It's 2:20 p.m., August 4, 2009, and Joe Evans is, in this moment and for however long it lasts, having a normal childhood.

"We just hear the happiness," Joe's mom, Susan, 47, says as Joe and his 10-year-old brother, Will, tear through Lego Star Wars and Mario Kart on the GameCube. "It's a chance to have peace of mind, and for the little guy, it takes away, maybe, that knowledge of the poison going through him."

Video games play an important role for kids undergoing treatment in order for them to forget about their current status and ailment and enjoy their time. Video games serve as an escape and a happy place for these children to go to during their tough times. Cancer is a devastating illness for children and adults. The mere knowledge of being diagnosed has a toll on the human mind, I can't imagine being a child and getting that type of news. If a round of Mario Kart or Halo can help in any way to alleviate the burden of knowing one is ill, then the charity is paying everyhting back for us gamers.

Read the rest of Owen Good's great article over at Kotaku, great job bud.

[Via Kotaku]

Also please check out the Child's Play Organization for more info. This is something I will be looking into in order to give back.