Connecticut-based studio Colorifiction, has just revealed a mysterious announcement trailer for their upcoming horror title Ode to a Moon.

Ode to a Moon takes place in rural New England where you play as a photo-journalist who sets out to cover a fall festival during a centennial lunar eclipse. However, upon arrival, you discover the town has descended into madness. Based on true events, the game focuses on creating a thick unnerving atmosphere as you travel through farmlands and dark forestry.

The thought-provoking trailer, which can be viewed below, shows desolate landscapes as we are taken on a tour through abandoned bedrooms, boarded up barns, broken castle walls, and empty train carriages. The landscape has an unusual and mysterious purple glow throughout which makes each shot convey a surreal and uncomfortable feeling. The final seconds of the video show the first-person game in motion as we're taken through a jagged stone walkway with an almost dream-like atmosphere.

There is no release date for Ode to a Moon as of yet, but the title is booked for release on PC and Linux.