The previous chapter of One Piece concluded the long-running fight between Luffy and Kaido. Now, everyone is wondering what's ahead for Luffy in Wano country. Well, Chapter 1051 won't reveal the next bounty, but it will add a new member to the Straw Hat Pirates crew.

Monkey D. Luffy and Kaido's fight gave us many memorable moments in One Piece. Kaido pushed Luffy to his limits, forcing the Straw Hat Pirates' captain to reveal his Gear 5 transformation. Big Mom and King already lost against Sanji and Zoro, and this new level allowed Luffy to finally put down the Emperor of the seas.

The battle is now over, but Luffy still has a long journey ahead of him. Honestly, it's truly exciting that the Straw Hats Pirate crew will now embark on a new unknown adventure.

  • More: Most Powerful Villains Luffy Faces in One Piece from Big Mom to Kaidou

Some early spoilers of One Piece Chapter 1051 give us a good idea of what to expect from the upcoming chapter. However, the official chapter has yet to come out. The chapter is scheduled to release on Sunday, June 5th, 2022, at 8 AM PDT (Pacific Timing). The manga is available to read on Viz Media and Manga Plus, but the chapter's release time will vary depending on your region. So, here's the exact schedule you need to follow for these time zones:

  • Pacific Time: 8 AM (June 5th)
  • Central Time: 10 AM (June 5th)
  • Eastern Time: 11 AM (June 5th)
  • British Time: 4 PM (June 5th)
  • European Time: 5 PM (June 5th)
  • Indian Time: 8.30 PM (June 5th)

Yamato Will Join Straw Hats in One Piece Chapter 1051

The narrator has confirmed that Luffy has won the battle against Kaido. Momonosuke has now become the new Shogun for the people of Onigashima. According to the Narrator, Momo will one day be considered the best Shogun Wano Country ever had. On top of that, the chapter gives us a good look at Momo when he gives his incredible speech to the people of Wano.

Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hats are ready to move on to their next adventure, but they have a new member with them. Apparently, Yamato will ask to join the crew, and as expected, everyone will be happy to have Kaido's daughter by their side.