A new update has rolled out for Pokemon Go players, 1.1.0 on iOS and 0.31.0 on Android. The infamous three step indicator, in which footmarks underneath a Pokemon would indicate how far you are from its location, has been removed due to its inaccuracy.The battery save feature, which some players reported was the cause of phone crashes, has also been removed due to this update. New warnings will now appear while you play, warning players to not enter dangerous areas, play while driving, or trespass.Many locations that were previously Pokestops have been removed, so players can now stop loitering around museums and churches.Some popular third party tracking sites, such as Pokevision, have been disabled now, most likely due to Niantic CEO John Hanke viewing it as cheating.

Below is the bullet point list provided by the app's iOS page that covers everything included with this update. This is the largest update since Pokemon Go's launch on July 5, 2016.

  • Trainer avatars can now be re-customized from the profile screen
  • Adjusted some Pokemon battle move damage values
  • Refined certain Gym animations
  • Improved memory issues
  • Removed footprints of nearby Pokémon
  • Adjusted battle damage calculation
  • Various bug fixes during wild Pokemon encounter
  • Updated Pokemon details UI
  • Updated achievement medals art
  • Fixed issues with displaying certain map features
  • Minor text fixes