Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition, the Pokemon/Nobunaga's Ambition crossover co-developed by Game Freak and Tecmo Koei, is coming to the Nintendo DS and 3DS on March 17 in Japan. This will be the first Pokemon title released for the 3DS, and chances are it won't be the last -- but perhaps the oddest.

Like every other Pokemon game, it begins with a male or female character selection. This time you control a general who has strong ties to Pokemon, and regardless of what gender you choose, you get stuck with an Eevie. Rather than gyms the world is split into 17 kingdoms, each one under the dominion of a general and their Pokemon partner. Working with your Pokemon, you must defeat these generals in Pokemon battles to unite the realm.

Battles are the traditional six-on-six Pokemon setup, with each general, or "busho" as they are called in-game, possessing one unique power themselves. For example, one "busho" can heal all Pokemon in battle. When you're not embroiled in battles against other generals, players will be required to hone their Pokemon army's skills... so, train them. Generals can "link" with wild Pokemon and scout new generals to help you train your army in the castle town you rule.

There is no word yet on what the story is, exactly, but this is all starting to sound like a fifteen-year-old's crossover fanfiction to me. Still, there's nothing like a good old-fashioned Pokemon battle, so we'll see.