Postal 2 is quite popular and one of the most infamous games on Steam; unfortunately, the series never really amounted to much following that game. Postal III was extremely disappointing, and in recent years we've just seen an expansion for Postal 2 and a remake of the first game in the series. Today, Running With Scissors finally revealed its plans to move the series forward with Postal 4: No Regerts, which was both announced and released for Steam Early Access today.

This new game doesn't hide its clear inspiration and ties to Postal 2, which makes sense as Postal III wasn't well received. According to the founder and CEO of Running With Scissors, Postal 4: No Regerts was actually released in Early Access so the developer gets community feedback and doesn't repeat previous mistakes. "We want to make sure we don’t pump a dump (aka Postal III) here, so we’re including the fans. We work for them, and I want them to be involved from now to completion," he said.

Postal 4: No Regerts follows the Postal Dude and Champ after everything they have is stolen and they are trapped in a fictional Arizona border town called Edensin. Postal Dude must then spend five days trying to make enough money to jumpstart his life again. Of course, this money can be made legitimately and without violence, but the fun of the game comes from using all the wacky weapons and interacting with all the odd factions. The Postal Dude is voiced by Jon St. John this time around too, which should please Duke Nukem (and Big the Cat?) fans.

Though the early access version of Postal 4: No Regerts will let players tinker around with these things, Running With Scissors does stress that this version of the game is "pre-beta" and a "vertical slice" of the game that only encompasses the first day of the game. Admittedly, Postal 4: No Regerts does look a bit rough around the edges right now, but I'm hoping that the game will improve over time and be the fun revival this infamous series deserves.

Check out the first screenshots for the game below. Postal 4: No Regerts is available now via Steam Early Access.