Let's start with the usual warning: if the depiction of softcore BDSM on pixel-made anime girls offends you, hit back on your browser right away, because if you watch the video below, you're gonna be very offended.

At times developers have to show scenes that don't really fit YouTube's rules, mostly due to naughty content, and when that happens Japanese companies normally resort to Nico Nico.

This is exactly the case with the launch trailer of the PS Vita exclusive JRPG Criminal Girls 2, that releases today in Japan, and that is... interesting, to say the least.

You can check it out below, but remember. If YouTube considers it not safe for work, it probably isn't.

As a bonus, we also get a couple of screenshots, while Japanese PlayStation Plus users will be able to enjoy a two hour-long demo starting today, with the possibility to transfer saves to the full version of the gane.