Kadokawa Games just released a new batch of information and screenshots of the gameplay of the upcoming PlayStation exclusive Natural Doctrine, that will hit the Japanese shelves on March 19th.

We see the world map screen, where players will be able to check out available missions and see their current position. There are missions bound to the story and "free missions" to look useful items and help the characters grow.

Before entering a mission you can organize your unit, change character and their equipment. You can also play the same mission multiple times if you want, but there's a limit to consecutive repeats of the same stage. You can also save only on the world map.

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Every stage can have multiple levels, and at the very bottom lurk formidable enemies. It's possible to quit before reaching them and still complete the mission.

At the beginning of each mission the player receives the victory conditions, that could range from annihilating the enemy to withdrawing to the target area. There are also new victory conditions that can appear during the battle.

There are three different point of views that allow to observe the battle from entirely different perspectives.

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When multiple friendly characters are adjacent to each other, it's possible to initiate a "cooperative turn." A variety of effects can be achieved, and they will be displayed upon selection. Going overboard linking too many characters can result in leaving them vulnerable, so this has to be used carefully.

If all the friendly characters fall in battle, it's game over.  You can only save on the world map, so you should always remember to do so before every battle. On the other hand difficulty be changed at any time, even during battles.