Yesterday, we got a glimpse at a whole bunch of games coming to the PS5, as well as what the console looks like. We also got a tiny glimpse of what the boot up screen looks like for the new console and it sure is slick.

It was shown off during the PS5 reveal event, however,  @ScreenDude6K has grabbed the section of the show that we are discussing here. Below you can take a look at what the PS5 boot up screen will most likely be.

I am a huge fan of this. The low humming chimes made me feel like I am looking at a futuristic and new piece of technology. The little particles of light that come in is a small touch but can really show the power of the console. The little jingle that plays after the "See important health and safety warnings in the Settings menu" text is catchy and I would love to hear it every time I turn on my PS5. Finally, those low chimes come back in to serenade the player until they press the PS Button to move to the next screen.

To note, Sony never officially said "this is the boot up screen when you turn on your system." However, it is pretty safe to assume that it is because why else would they show it.

I wish we were able to see a little more on the system during the showing. How much does it cost? What does the UI look like? What new features does the PS5 UI have? I was a bit disappointed that we didn't hear any of that. But, I am happy we finally got to see what the console looks like.

For those who want a bit more information on the PS5, make sure to check out our summary of the console from the reveal event right here.