A follow up to the game Test Yourself: Psychology is hitting PlayStation Network for $6.99.

Psych Yourself has players testing themselves to gain a better understanding of their psyche. The game will challenge players in three distinct categories of Perception, Creativity, and Emotional IQ. Perception will show players how they perceive the world and events around them. Creativity will see how players form their thoughts. Emotional IQ will see how well players can read the emotions of others based on expression, body language, and voice.

Each category will feature a Daily Test that gives an in-depth look at performance. There are also training modes in the game that will let players practice games to enhance abilities in each category and video clips to help with Emotional IQ tests. Gamers will have the chance to evaluate friends, track how gamers are perceived by their friends, and compare scores through the leaderboard.

Gamers looking into psychoanalysis will want to puck up this game when it makes its way over to the PlayStation Network.