Rockstar is rolling out updates to Red Dead Online's beta today that should address the most discussed issue with the multiplayer experience: the economy.

With high prices for weapons and items and low payments from missions and selling items to vendors, some felt the economy of Red Dead Online was squeezing players for money to purchase Gold Bars through their yet to launch in-game store. Due to this, the following changes are set to take place beginning today:

  • Increasing the cash and gold payments across a number of different activities including Free Roam Missions, Free Roam Events, replays of A Land of Opportunities Missions, Showdown Series modes and more.
  • Reducing the prices of most weapons in the Wheeler, Rawson & Co Catalogue and Gunsmiths. For players that have already purchased weapons at the previous prices, we will automatically deposit the difference to player balances starting today - please look for an alert message the next time you log in to the Red Dead Online Beta to notify you of this change, refunds may take up until December 10th to reach all players.
  • Balancing the values of select pelts, skins and fish as well as horse reviver and pamphlets.

This is just the beginning of updates and fixes coming to Red Dead Online, Rockstar promises. According to the newswire post they are hard at work on fixing some persistent bugs that are kicking players from sessions and should have it out next week.

Most importantly, they will be gifting $250 and 15 Gold Bars to every player of Red Dead Online who has played the mode anytime before midnight Pacific time later today. If you haven't already jumped into Red Dead Online, like myself, now is the time to do so in order to get a nice boost early on. Those rewards should start dropping today and arrive to everyone before next Friday, December 14, 2018. Rockstar thanks players for their time and request any and all feedback on the game be submitted to their feedback page.

Rockstar began addressing complaints about the economy earlier this week, and have fulfilled their promise of releasing an update as early as the end of this week. Red Dead Online became available for everyone to play on Friday, November 30, 2018 and it didn't take long for some to figure out that selling valuable loot wasn't enough to even buy baked beans.