Survival PvP game Rust has gotten swept to the side as games like PUBG and Fortnite have stepped to the forefront and gained the spotlight, but that doesn't mean the game is down for the count. Recently, a new update named the "Compound Update" has added quite a few new features to the game where penis size is determined by Steam ID and you can beat people to death with rocks.

But if you don't want to be beaten to death by men of varying "girths" with rocks, you now have the option to visit a new monument in the game: the Compound. The update adds a new structure run by scientists with four simple rules:

  • No Weapons
  • No Looting
  • No Killing
  • No Sleeping

Breaking any of these rules will result in a player character being marked as hostile and shot on site by the many, many turrets that line the Compound. So, now players can enjoy trading and interacting with other players regardless of faction under the watchful eye of cold, metal death machines waiting for you to make one mistake. Fun!

Obeying the rules means you can hang out in the Compound and engage in trade. There will also be some NPC Vending Machines, which sell:

  • Basic Clothing
  • Traps & Weapons
  • Resource Exchange
  • Tools
  • Components
  • Building Supplies

The developers stated that they originally intended to have players build safe zones of their own with turrets or some sort of peacekeeping method, but after a year of that very much so not happening, they decided to take matters into their own hands and set up safe zones of their own. I imagine it's probably better that a safe zone be in the hands of the developers considering how jumpy and hostile people can be in Rust.

In other news, the update also brings some new underwater structures, scuba gear, clothing and overall quality of life fixes. You can check out the full list of changes on the game's website here. There are also some screenshots for your viewing pleasure, as well as a short video showcasing some of the new changes.

Rust is currently available on PC via Steam for $34.99.