Today, PlayStation shared a new teaser trailer for the survival horror game S.O.N. that will be released later this year. While this trailer is not done in the format of found footage like the one that was shared back in July, it's still just as creepy.

With an extra eerie version of "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star", the trailer puts viewers into a first-person perspective as they walk through rooms covered in totally comforting purple neon words and phrases such as "Miss U Baby" and "Wreck". The trailer from July featured the word "Why" written over and over in the snow in a lovely shade of red, but this one has the word "Me" instead covering some rock walls.

The trailer also has some upside down crosses and what looks to be some dead bodies hanging, so this is shaping up to be exceptionally creepy. Developed by RedG Studios, S.O.N. follows Robert Alderson in search of his missing son Jay who went missing deep in the Pennsylvania forest, better known as South Of Nowhere.

You can check out the new trailer below. S.O.N. will be a PlayStation exclusive and the game’s website says that it will be released during the holidays later this year.