It seems like a Sly Cooper is actually coming after all, and it has been pretty much given away after Sucker Punch's latest job listing.

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There are two job listings that have been recently posted by Sucker Punch. The first one is for a Senior Multiplayer Systems Designer, and it states that they are looking for someone who reads "board game instruction manuals as if they were spy thrillers." If the spy thriller hint wasn't enough, it is further stated, "Do you look through the rule set and instantly see opportunities for betrayals and glorious come-from-behind victories?"

Sly Cooper Sequel All But Confirmed With Sucker Punch's Job Listing

Now if you are an avid fan of the Sly Cooper franchise, you might find two terms quite familiar. Firstly, we have the spy thriller hint, which is quite synonmous with the franchise. The Sly Cooper games belong to the stealth platforming genre, so it could be very likely that this spy thriller is nothing but Sly Cooper itself.

Likewise, the betrayals term in the second part of the job listing once again suggests this game. The reaosn is quite obvious, one of the major themes of the game revolves around Penelope and her betrayal. After the Cooper Vault heist, Penelope was working with Bentley on his time machine but she eventually disappears. It is later discovered that she was working with Cyrille Le Paradox against Bentley.

The second job listing is about a Multiplayer/Network Programmer who can "define, implement and deploy networking features that support a smooth and engaging cooperative game play experience." It is not known what game this job listing is hinting towards. It could be that the Infamous franchise is getting coop, but it is very much possible that it is a totally new IP altogeter.