During today's Nintendo Switch Tokyo livestream presentation, Splatoon 2 was announced.

Splatoon 2 is a sequel to the popular multiplayer Wii U game Splatoon, which was Nintendo's first big foray into the online shooter market. It had players playing as squid-kid Inklings who could transform into squids and travel through ink at the press of a button. The goal of the main online matches was to cover each map in as much of your team's ink as possible.

The game was briefly shown in the Switch's reveal video back in October. The game is playable in all of Nintendo Switch's different play modes, and will still support gyroscope control. Players will also be able to play with others in local multiplayer matches. New weapons and maps will also be added to the game.

You can watch Splatoon 2's reveal trailer below. The game will be available exclusively on the Nintendo Switch this summer.