Star Wars: Battlefront was finally unveiled today with a new trailer and the opening of pre-orders, but there are still many questions floating around the fanbase. DICE Design Director Niklas Fegraeus answered to many of those on Twitter.

There are going to be "Many maps" on each of the four available planets. They will have a variety of sizes, from large to small, in order to accommodate different modes:

While we didn't get an exact number for the maps, there will be more than eight, and more than two per planet.

Co-op missions won't be just offline, but also online, but split-screen is only for local play:

Interestingly, he talks about the switch Fegraeus between third and first person "when playing as a soldier," probably meaning that it won't be available in vehicles. He also mentions "squadrons" of starfighters.

We get one more confirmation that the trailer was in-engine, using models from the game:

The Battle of Jakku is not considered a day one DLC, but something the developers want to be available as soon as possible:

Fegraeus explained why there is no content related to episode one to three (thank goodness, I would say, but your mileage may vary).

We also get to know why the game wasn't called Star Wars: Battlefront 3.

The availability of heroes depends on the game mode. More heroes besides Darth Vader and Boba Fett will be revealed at a later time:

The shield we saw in the trailer is one of the game's power-ups, and there will be "many more."

There will be a lot of freedom in customizing one's playstyle:

DICE is targeting 60 frames per seconds for the game on consoles.

Looks like we'll be able to hunt for a lot of different unlockable and collectibles:

At the end of the Q&A, Fegraeus said goodbye in the way everyone expected. Classic.