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There are seven Jedi Chambers for you to find on the planet of Koboh. As you complete each one, they’ll continue to get harder to reach, and more complicated to complete.

Related: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Chamber of Detachment Puzzle Guide

In Jedi Survivor, the Chamber of Connection has some of the hardest puzzles found in any of the chambers. We’ll show you where to find the chamber, and how to solve each of the puzzles inside.

Where To Find The Chamber of Connection

Viscid Bog Chamber of Connection location

This particular chamber can only be reached after completing the mission to rescue Zee, and after facing Dagan Gera for the second time. After doing so, you’ll have acquired the Force Lift and Force Slam abilities.

To reach the chamber, first head to the small island in the Viscid Bog where you find Wini Eres. Near the island, lift the rock platform out of the bog and scale to the top. You’ll find the Viscid Bog meditation point just beyond it, along with some ziplines that lead to the chamber. Take the first zipline and then hop off to the second one. As you approach the island with the chamber, you’ll have to head underneath it first and grapple to safety in order to reach the chamber.

Puzzle One Solution

Puzzle One solution in the Chamber of Connection

After entering the chamber, you’ll find yourself in a large room with a floor switch on the other side. Stand on the switch to reveal an orb. Grab the orb and place it in the orb enhancer on the other side of the room.

Next, you’ll need to use BD1’s matter sprayer to create a trail from the beam to the wall to the left of it. This will cause the flame to travel down the trail you created and burn the matter buildup blocking the stairs. The door at the top of the stairs won’t open, so instead turn around and wall run to the other side of the room to reach a second-floor landing that overlooks the main room.

Puzzle Two Solution

Puzzle Two solution in the Chamber of Connection

From the second-floor landing, you’ll see a platform across the way with two floor switches on top of it. Each of these switches closes a wall panel, which will allow you to create a trail of flames that won’t get put out by the water running down the wall.

Start by standing on the left switch and create a matter trail from the beam up the wall and across the first closed panel. Then you’ll need to quickly run over and stand on the second switch to close the next panel and continue spraying a trail until it burns the matter buildup on the wall. This will open up a new path that leads around the far side of the room. Head through that path and unlock the door leading to the stairs.

Related: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Chamber of Fortitude Guide

Puzzle Three Solution

Puzzle Three solution in the Chamber of Connection

Next to the door, you unlocked lies a terminal for the orb. Before you place the orb there, first, you’ll need to create a trail to the final matter buildup on the first floor, positioned just below the orb terminal.

Start by heading down to the orb enhancer. While walking backward, you’ll need to spray a trail of matter through the doorway and up the stairs to the orb terminal. Once you are up there, spray the trail all over the edge of the floor so that the flame can be seen from the first floor. Quickly hop down to the first floor and continue spraying the trail until it covers the matter buildup and burns it away. Behind it, you’ll find a chest with a lightsaber part inside.

Puzzle Four Solution

Puzzle Four solution in the Chamber of Connection

Now that you have collected all the treasures in this area, you just need to burn away the matter blocking the final room at the top of the chamber. To do so, start by repeating the same steps that you did to solve the third puzzle. This time, when you reach the second floor near the terminal, spray a lot of matter on the floor to buy you some time, then quickly turn and Force Pull the orb from the enhancer, and then place it in the terminal.

With the orb in the terminal, a bridge will form allowing you to walk across to the other side. Continue spraying the matter as you walk across the bridge and up the stairs to the top floor. The flames will burn away the final matter buildup, revealing the final room that contains a Recuperation Perk inside. After collecting the perk, you will have reached 100% in the chamber.

Next: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Holotactics Guide