Valve is working to address fake games on Steamas uncovered by Reddit user deliteplays. Just like the measures to deal with exploiters of Trading Cards last year, games will now have to go through a "confidence metric" in order to have their achievements matter as some are inflating their achievement count for players to display on their profiles.

Until games meet this confidence metric, they will have the following constraints:

  • A limit of one-hundred achievements
  • The achievements won't contribute to the global achievement count and cannot be shown in a Steam Profile's achievement showcase
  • The achievements won't contribute to a game's library count and cannot be seen in a Steam Profile's Game Collector showcase
  • They won't be eligible for coupons

Fake games and their achievements were only being taken advantage of by few, and while it may not seem like much, Valve claims that these fake games confuse their algorithms and consequently their users. The algorithm’s primary job is to look at data about games and players and ultimately decide which ones should be shown to players inside the multitude of games that are available in the Steam Store.

While this probably will not affect most of the games you play on Steam, those that are being evaluated will be labeled as such.

Recently Valve announced that they would not be policing titles that get accepted onto Steam, and earlier this year it was announced that the Steam Link not heading to iOS due to “business conflicts”.