Update: Here's the Youtube stream link.

Bandai Namco announced next month's stream for the Super Robot Wars series. It'll be held on January 11, 2019, at 21:00 JST. The stream will include new information for Super Robot Wars T, the new mobile game Super Robot Wars DD, and the ongoing mobile game Super Robot Wars Cross-Omega. Links for the stream itself weren't published yet, and this post will be updated with them at a later date.

Guests appearing on stream will be voice actor Kenji Akabane, who's always there, and Youhei Azakami, who voices Dido, the main character of Super Robot Wars DD, which we detailed in the article covering the game's announcement.  Moreover, the stream's description lists two mysterious guests, who should definitely turn out to be voice actors for the Original main characters of Super Robot Wars T. Series Producer Takanobu Terada said on the last stream, which we made a summary of, that the reveal of Super Robot Wars T's Original main characters would be in January. We'll learn more about the VTX company too.

Super Robot Wars T's latest screenshots on Famitsu featured some characters not shown in the first trailer, including Magic Knight Rayearth's Umi Ryuuzaki. Producers Takanobu Terada and Shouhei Mogami also shared many comments on the game. Terada-san shared more comments a few weeks ago on the series's official radio show.

I'm really looking forward to Super Robot Wars T, and as always I'll be covering the stream. You can be sure to find here a summary with all the new info as soon as possible after it'll end. I'm looking forward to seeing which voice actors they picked for the Original characters, and which mecha designer created the Original mechas. I'm betting on mangaka Shirou Tsunashima as character designer. He worked as an animator on games in the past like Super Robot Wars Z, where he did multiple cut-ins, and he contributed slightly to the third anime adaptation as well. For mecha designer, I'm betting on mangaka Yunosuke Yoshinaga, the mangaka of the mecha manga Break Blade. Super Robot Wars V's Original mechas were designed by Eiichi Shimizu and Tomohiro Shimoguchi, the duo behind the Linebarells of Iron manga. Super Robot Wars X's were by popular figure designer and Max Factory co-creator Masaki Asai. So now for T, I bet they went with a mangaka again.

Super Robot Wars T launches for PlayStation 4 and Switch on March 20 in Japan. The game's Southeast Asia version, launching the same day, will include an English translation.