If you saw the fantastic "End of an Era" cinematic video that served both as a final cutscene for Final Fantasy XIV and as a trailer for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, you're familiar with the beautiful voice of Susan Calloway, that lent her talent to the theme song, "Answers".

Today Susan actually blogged about it on her personal tumblr, talking about the experience she shared with composer Nobuo Uematsu and conductor Arnie Roth:

Now my job began. To sing this song with as much passion and intention as the story inspired.  That is always my goal when I sing. Forget about all the technical things and just close your eyes … get lost in the music, sing from the heart.  I hope you can hear that when you listen to ANSWERS in Final Fantasy XIV.  It was a magical experience to be a part of this recording and to be on the game itself.  I was so blessed for the opportunity.

I can definitely say that the blessing worked both ways, as Susan's voice definitely granted power and impact to the trailer and to the theme of the game itself. I wonder if "Answers" will be back in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, or if Square Enix will go back to Susan for another song. Can't say I wouldn't be happy if either of those options were to happen.

About that, your guess is as good at mine. While we wait to know, you can check the full blog post, and the trailer itself below (in the case you missed it). Also, if you missed Final Fantasy XIV, but you're interested in playing A Realm Reborn and you don't have the slightest idea of who the characters in the trailer are (but you'd like to know), you can check out my weekly column Final Fantasy XIV - The Story So Far, that will give you a good glimpse on that.

By the way, if you did play the game extensively and you don't shed even a tear when you watch this trailer, you don't have a heart.
