Bloodborne is a deadly and unforgiving game. It's full of horrible critters that will mercilessly kill you as soon as you get even slightly distracted, but there's one, more subtle enemy that might cause your untimely demise, and that's the battery of the DualShock 4.

The PS4's controller doesn't exactly have an enormous battery life, so running out of juice during a prolonged Bloodborne session is a very likely scenario.

Normally, when your controller turns off due to running out of energy, games automatically pause in order to let you plug the DualShock 4 back in before resuming gameplay.

But that's for chumps, and Bloodborne is not that forgiving. There's no pause in Bloodborne, and yes, that includes when you run out of battery. The game will simply continue, and you will be left motionless at the mercy of your enemies, as you scramble to find that USB cable.

You definitely don't want that to happen during a boss fight. It happened to me, and believe me, it isn't fun.

Lesson learned: either keep your battery life monitored or just keep the controller plugged in while playing Bloodborne. This game's too hardcore for pausing, even when your DualShock 4 runs out of battery.