Are you having trouble becoming the Capo of your neighborhood in Turf Wars on your iPhone? Maybe you need a bit of advice in how to manage your funds and turf? Here is a quick strategy guide for you with ten quick tips so that you will be whacking rivals in no time.

  1. Never buy more guns than you have Mob members. Extra guns just cost you money and in later levels will cost you money to maintain and are not used to attack or defend.
  2. Constantly invite mobsters via the "Invite Mobsters" tab. This is pretty easy as it will pull up all local players for you to invite.
  3. Once you level up put your Skill Points into Energy. This will allow you to run more missions and level up quicky without having to fight per-se.
  4. Try to grab Turfs that are not as populated so you can become the Capo of the area. Get the most influence in the area to grab Capo status.
  5. Capo status means you do not have to pay police bribes in that Turf which will net you more money per Turf.
  6. Use all of you Energy on Missions when you have it, never leave any unused.
  7. Get the maximum Influence in each of your Turfs by buying Turf Upgrades.
  8. Buy Tools once they become available to open up more difficult missions which will net more Money and Experience.
  9. Make sure to buy Kevlar vests for each of your Mob members since they an use these during fights.
  10. Use up your Stamina and fight anyone that has less Mob members, yes it is cheesy but it will get you Experience and Money easily.

If you follow these ten quick tips when playing Turf Was you will be the most influential mobster in your city with all the privileges that are owed to you.

Also if you are having trouble finding Mob Codes feel free to post them in the comments section below. My personal Mob Code is ELHI0792 or you can search for YoshiShocker. Happy hunting or whacking!