In a recent email sent by GameStop promoting their "Buy 2 Get 1 & Other Weekend Special" for the week of December 11th, we stumbled upon something a little... interesting.

For some time now, it had been confirmed that another UFC game was indeed in the works and would be released sometime in the next year. When it would be released was kind of under wraps for a bit, but some of us speculated that it would show around the same time that UFC 2009 Undisputed was released.

Other than showing off their nifty specials and price reductions from December 11th to the 17th on all their games, GameStop also showed off the release date - May 25th, 2010 - for UFC 2010 Undisputed along with the option to pre-order the game as well. Those of you who continuously enjoyed the man-on-man action this entire year with 2009 Undisputed - and it was an awesome game - should probably get your pre-orders on now to start the new year with a new UFC game, and, hopefully, a new means of distributing ass kickings with the robust line of fighters that the franchise offers.

Below, I have included an image of the specials that GameStop is having for the next couple of days showing you, the wondering reader, that we are in fact telling you nothing but the truth and not trying to give you blue balls.


Now that you have seen the flyer, the line-up of upcoming games for next year (Ooh! Final Fantasy XIII </end_ frantic_clapping>), and the release date for one of the best fighting games to grace this generation of consoles, I'm pretty sure that some of you will head over to the GameStop site and get your pre-ordering on because, well, next year will definitely be a great year for gamers.

Little to no information has been released with regards to UFC 2010 Undisputed. Hoping that the game carries on a lot from its predecessor with some added awesomeness, we are no doubt sure that the game will nothing short of great. At least we hope so.