WB Games Montreal has been busy at work on their own game, a DC property, for some time now. While developers on Twitter have been teasing it for quite some time now, the developer is not yet ready to talk about the game and will not be participating in The Game Awards this Thursday, December 6, 2018.Patrick Redding, known for his work on Splinter Cell Blacklist and Far Cry 2, tweeted last December a holiday party image featuring staff members wearing Court of Owls masks, starting the speculation that their game would be another Batman game adapting the Court of Owls story line from 2012. More recently, Valerie Vezina tweeted an image in November featuring an image that looks very much like the icon of the Court of Owls, with differences to the main body and head of the owl separating it from the comics version.

Then on Sunday both Geoff Ellenor and Patrick Redding tweeted about how the game is not ready to be announced just yet and the team will not be at The Game Awards on Thursday.

WB Games Montreal is best known for their work on Batman: Arkham Origins, a prequel to Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, and Arkham Knight that featured the first meeting between Batman and Joker. The studio has been known to be working on at least two new games set in the DC comics universe since some job postings appeared in 2015. Rocksteady is also skipping The Game Awards this year, citing that the game is not ready to be announced and is definitely not Superman.

UPDATE: This is perhaps a bit of a stretch to include, but Scott Snyder, the writer and creator of Batman's Court of Owls storyline has retweeted IGN's story similar to the one found here. While it might not mean anything in the grand scheme of things, it was an interesting nugget that we thought we'd update and throw at the end of this article. While a simple retweet shouldn't be taken as confirmation that a Court of Owls Batman game is on the way, seeing the main writer share the story with his own followers is definitely intriguing.