If you wonder how you can use the Ashes of War you have collected so far, you need a Whetstone Knife to activate them in Elden Ring.

Aside from the wide variety of weapons and armaments that you can discover in Elden Ring, there are also numerous ways to improve them or learn new moves and attacks. Applying an Ash of War on your weapon is one of the ways to improve its usability and learn more damaging moves and attacks for a certain weapon.

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However, you cannot use an Ash of War on an armament until you get the Whetstone Knife. Ane here is how to get it!

Where to Get Whetstone Knife in Elden Ring

Whetstone Knife is located in Limgrave in the east of the Gatefront Site of Grace. There is an underground path in Gatefront Ruins. Once you go downstairs, you will spot a door. Open it, and you will find a chest inside. As you open the chest, you will receive an Ash of War as well as the Whetstone Knife.

How to Use Ash of War

Go and rest at a Site of Grace. You should be able to spot a new option now called Ash of War. Select it, and then select the armament that you want to apply the Ash of War onto. Keep in mind that some Ashes of War are specific to certain types of weapons and cannot be used on all armaments.

You can always use Shift+RMB on PC to perform your Ash of War move that has applied to either your right-hand or left-hand armament.

Check out the video below from "Blockedinsight" if you need more guidance on the location of the Whetstone Knife:

Elden Ring is now available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC.