Details have been limited on Battlefield 2042's Hazard Zone mode, with only a few small snippets of information coming from the developers over the source of the past month.

However, due to various leaks and datamining, it's been revealed that Hazard Zone will essentially be Battlefield's take on Escape From Tarkov; a high-intensity mode where players only have one life.

Apart from leaks, that's all fans of the series have had to go on, with little to no communication on the overall game and mode for the past several months.

But if the rumors are to be believed, Hazard Zone could be in big trouble from launch thanks to the announcement of a delay on the game.

Hazard Zone's Competition

Unfortunately, the delay of Battlefield 2042 has meant that the game will now launch in the middle of both Call of Duty: Vanguard and Halo Infinite, but what's more troubling for Hazard Zone is that a huge game-changing integration for Warzone will happen just several days after Battlefield 2042's release.

Call of Duty: Vanguard Release - November 5
Battlefield 2042 Release - November 19
Call of Duty: Warzone Integration - November 23
Halo Infinite - December 8

Of course, we're once again relying on leaks for the release date of the Warzone integration, however, it has already been officially stated by Sledgehammer Games and Activision that the integration will happen "weeks after launch".

The release schedule across the board is worrying for DICE and EA, as almost all of the major FPS content creators will likely move to Warzone on November 23.

Time and time again we've seen that creators have been the cornerstone in making games big and although Hazard Zone won't be your traditional Battle Royale, it will need the modes creators and their fan bases to make the mode a success.

Battlefield 2042 Development Trouble

Last week, DICE announced that Battlefield 2042 will be delayed for several weeks due to the effects of the global pandemic that has created "unforeseen challenges for our development teams".

Whichever way you look at the delay announcement though, it means one thing, the game is having some development trouble and isn't ready for launch.

What's even more concerning about the Battlefield 2042 delay though, is that the Beta of the game will also be delayed (once again, relying on leaks), indicating that the game is not where it needs to be during this time of the year.

After all, if you don't feel like the game is ready for a Beta, where bugs and issues are to be expected, it doesn't spark confidence in consumers, especially when the developers have been almost radio silent on the game since its reveal.

Whatever the case is for Battlefield 2042, it's clear that an overhaul to their marketing strategy is needed to put minds at ease regarding this year's premium release.

Battlefield 2042 will be available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC on November 19.