There's been a lot of buzz about Nintendo's new Wii U console and whether or not the technology it implements is substantial, especially compared to current generation HD consoles. While this is still mostly unclear, we have new details regarding the system's backwards compatibility. As expected, the unit will play Wii games and interact with Wii remotes. There will, however, be no up-scaled visuals for these titles, a disappointing tidbit considering the Wii's graphical capability, or lack thereof.

Even more disappointing is the fact that the Wii U will not interact with GameCube games or hardware. Considering the Wii can play GameCube games and it's hardware is clearly not very advanced, I imagine it would have been far too easy to implement the same tech in the Wii U. It's absence necessitates the Wii if you plan on playing GameCube games. Or you can just get a GameCube, but who wants to do that?

[Giant Bomb][Giant Bomb]