Welcome to the Wordle for August 14! Dust off your fashion knowledge because this word references a particularly recognizable and common clothing item. Luckily, you don't have to be a style expert to guess this word. With some careful narrowing down and a bit of memory searching, you'll be able to solve this Wordle with no problem.

Whether you're looking for just a few hints to point you in the right direction or the final answer reveal, we've got everything you need to solve this puzzle! Fair warning - there are, of course, spoilers ahead, so scroll carefully if you don't want to come across the final answer.

Wordle Hints & Tips For Sunday, August 14

This word describes a fairly well-known type and color of fabric, usually a dull yellowish/tan brown color; this word is a fabric that is commonly used in military clothing. It's usually made from cotton or wool, and are most recognizable in its pants form.

Though, online, it's also recognized as a quintessential dad fashion item. Think about dad cartoon characters - often wearing polo tees or Hawaiian shirts, these cartoon dads have relied on a particular type of tan pants. The Wordle word may not be particularly fashionable, but they are practical; it's perhaps that exact reason why they've become so strongly associated with dad fashion.

For our final hints, the August 14 Wordle starts with a “K” and ends with an "I.“ This word also contains a repeated consonant and two different vowels. This may make figuring out the final answer a tad more difficult, but guessing words that rule out vowels early on will be a massive help. Since this hint gives you the placement of the letter "I," it should only be a matter of time before you figure out the other vowel. Here's the final hint - it's one of the most common vowels in the English language!

What Is The Wordle Answer Today? (Sunday, August 14)

The answer to today’s puzzle in Wordle is “KHAKI.“

Khaki, or khaki pants, aren't a particularly flashy color, but it's difficult to deny their notoriety. A classic and natural color, khaki is one of a handful of hues used by military groups. In truth, it's more for the sense of practicality and camoflage the khaki color provides rather than style.

Be sure to check the NY Times site at midnight your local time for the next Wordle puzzle. As always, we'll have an updated guide to make sure you can keep up a streak for the days to come.