Wordle is welcoming in the weekend with a challenge for July 30! We hope you've been able to learn some exciting new words to use in your everyday conversations. Games can be a wonderful tool for continued learning, especially brain teasers like Wordle.

If you're ready to jump into today's puzzle, we've got hints and some tips to help you get closer to the final answer. So, let's get into today's Wordle!

Wordle Hints & Tips For Saturday, July 30

This word refers to an act of deceit! If you are trying to deceive someone into thinking that you can or will do something, your actions would be described by this Wordle. What's key here is that it isn't just a regular lie - you would use this when trying to gain an upper hand by pretending you already have the advantage.

It can certainly be nefarious, but this word also comes up often during one of the most well-known card games out there - poker. People would use today's word to describe when someone is trying to convince others at the table that their hand is better than it actually is!

If you still need more help, today’s word begins with a “B” and ends with an "F". This is another one of those words with a repeated letter in its spelling, meaning there are only four unique letters in this word. It also makes use of one of English's less common vowels, so try guessing some words that don't include "A" or "E"!

What Is The Wordle Answer Today? (Saturday, July 30)

The answer to today’s Wordle puzzle is “BLUFF“.

If you're a fan of card games, it's likely that you were able to guess this answer. Bluffing is a common strategy; however, while it may be well-known, it still proves to be incredibly effective. It can be a difficult tactic to master, but incorporating bluffing into your games will take your poker skills to the next level.

That covers everything for today's Wordle! We know you might be ready to take on another challenge already, but you'll have to return to the NY Times site at midnight your local time. If you think you might need a little extra help, be sure to return to the DualShockers site for more hints and tips on solving the next puzzle!