Today's puzzle in Wordle is a simple word that you have more than likely heard at least a few times even if you are not a native English speaker. On the other hand, for English speakers, this is a word that people usually use when they talk about education matters. So, try to direct your guesses toward those kinds of things.

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The letter structure of today's word is another aspect that makes it an easy puzzle. You don't see any repeating letters, and you will probably be able to discover all 5 letters by your final chance to guess the word. But if you still struggle to find the answer, we can offer some help.

Wordle Hints & Tips For Wednesday, November 30

Today's word features both verb and noun forms written in the same way, but we mostly used the verb form, which has a few different meanings. The most upfront meaning of the word refers to the act of learning something, like a subject in any type of science by reading books or essays. You have probably heard this verb a lot when someone say that they are reading books to get ready for their exam. Instead of this long sentence, they just use today's verb before "for exam".

In some cases, the verb can be a synonym of examining, as if you analyze something in detail to learn about particular things. In its noun form, the "examine" meaning is even more common, as we call the scientific discoveries or examining with this word when using as a noun.

Today's word starts with an "S" and ends with a "Y". It features only one vowel letter in the middle. Make sure to use all your remaining chances as we are going to reveal the answer in the next paragraph.

What Is The Wordle Answer Today? (Wednesday, November 30)

The answer to today's Wordle puzzle is "STUDY".

We have all studied for exams during the school times. So, this shouldn't be a difficult puzzle to solve for many of you, especially if you have educated in university as well.

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