There are, unfortunately, no gnomes in the expansion opening cinematic this time around, either. But, after watching it, you sure won't care one bit. Deathwing awakens and causes a cataclysm to wrench across the lands of Azeroth - that is the premise for this expansion, at the most basic. This trailer - put together by the genius CG artists at Blizzard - shows that in abundant detail. It focuses on Deathwing's release from the depths below, and briefly shows several prominent areas of Azeroth get changed forever. You'll see The Barrens, Auberdine, Loch Modan, Thousand Needles and, finally, Stormwind, get torn asunder by Deathwing himself. If this trailer doesn't get you hyped for Cataclysm, you might as well stop gaming now, because nothing will. Hit the break to be blow away - literally.