Microsoft has confirmed that it's launching a new application that will enable Oculus Rift owners to stream their Xbox One game library to the VR headset starting December 12th.

The news comes via a post from, where it reads that the "Xbox One Streaming to Oculus Rift" app connects the two devices through a home network. How it works is that the Xbox One's video output will be streamed to the Rift headset, where it will projected onto a screen of your choice in one of "three immersive enviroments:" Retreat, Dome, Citadel.

It's important to note that while you can stream Xbox One games to the Rift, that doesn't make them true, or fully compatibility VR experiences. It will simply just enable you to display the game on a virtual screen within the headset. Microsoft noted that games such as Gears of War 4 and Forza Horizon 3 are already playable, and that more games, including indies, and Backward Compatible Xbox 360 games will come in 2017.

The application be free in the Oculus Store on December 12th.