Sega just released a new gameplay video of the PlayStation exclusive Yakuza Ishin, explaining in depth the differences between the  PS4 and the PS3 versions of the game.

The video, that you can see at the bottom of the post, stars Producer Masayoshi Yokoyama as he illustrates how the PS4 version is superior to the one on the older console in areas like better framerate (60 frames per second against 30), better resolution (even if the actual values aren't explicitly mentioned), softer shadows, more detailed textures, the ability to use the touchpad on the DualShock 4 to scroll menus, the fact that its light changes when the player is hit and the fact that comments from the audience scroll on the screen while livestreaming.

Comments received will also cause the heat gauge of our character to fill up quicker. Of course the PS4 version also includes the possibility to play remotely via the PS Vita and to launch the game while it's still installing.

You can check out the video below, but be prepared to squint, as Sega had the great idea to upload the video in 720p.
